Importance of Tajweed Quran Course

Importance Of Learning Tajweed

Allah Almighty values correct recitation of the Holy Quran in several places. The correct recitation of the Quran impacts the reciter and listener. We don’t understand the correct recitation of the Quran properly without separate practice.

What is Tajweed?

Tajweed is an Arabic word. It means excellence in doing something.

The Quranic Tajweed means excellently reciting Quran.

Tajweed rules are an essential base for the mistakes-free recitation of the Quran.

Quran original recitation method is associated with classic Arabs. The current Arabs don’t know the proper Tajweed rules of the Classic Arabic language.

The purpose of Tajweed:

Quranic words are from Allah Almighty. It’s our responsibility to make the recitation of the Quran mistakes Free.

It makes the reader easy and efficient to recite Holy Quran mistakes free. The Tajweed rules reveal the right articulation points of every Quranic word.

Arabic letters have articulation points and characteristics. The articulate Points ( Makhraj) are associated with throat movement for word recitation.

The Characteristics(Sifaat) give correct identification of the letter. Besides, the Sifaat identify the letters and differ them from each other.

The consistent practice of Tajweed rules minimizes or eliminates the chances of Reciter mistakes.

Importance Of Learning Tajweed With Quran:

There is no other way to recite Quran without Tajweed. Besides, Tajweed rules are easy to memorize and practice.

There are several ways for a beginner to advance about Tajweed learning.

You can’t understand the Quran without mastering Tajweed rules. The origin of words is the same as the Quran comes to the Holy Prophet.

No change happens in the words of Quranic verses. If you do not want to change the Quranic words, Tajweed learning is necessary for you.

Reciting the wrong Quranic letter is a sin. The wrong Quranic recitation misguides you and the listener about the guidance of the Quran.

Some Arabic letter’s pronunciation is tough to read. The Tajweed rules provide a framework of consistent practice and flow to master that pronunciation.

Two types of errors that Tajweed resolves;

Clear mistakes:

It is related to resolving the problem of the correct pronunciation of letters without mixing up their meaning. It refers to easily noticeable mistakes in the recitation of the Quran.

For Example: Your stop or start is from different places. It changes the meaning of the letter.

Hidden Mistakes:

These include pronunciation mistakes that aren’t easily detectable. The experts of Tajweed rules are well known for these mistakes. The ordinary Quran reciter may not know well about those mistakes.

For Example: The minor change in the light or heavy letters pronunciation.

Benefits Of learning Tajweed:

There are enormous benefits of learning Tajweed. I mention some below;

Give recitation habit:

A lot of Muslims don’t recite Quran loud or regularly because they do not know its Tajweed well. The proper knowledge and practice of Tajweed give you the inspiration to recite Quran consistently. You become more curious about the Quran letters and Islamic wisdom as it comes to your habit.

Get the blessing of Allah Almighty:

The holy Prophet (PBUH) and Allah Almighty value the reciter of the Quran well. Allah has countless blessings for Quran reciters in this world and the afterlife. The Holy Prophet Values the recitation practices and efforts. Reciting Quran is a noble act and gives you straight direction for the right path.

Read More: Importance of Quran Memorization

Rules of tajweed:

There are Tajweed rules you should know for mistakes-free recitation learning. Noorani Qaida is the best way to start your Tajweed rules learning.

Noorani Qaida covers proper articulation, proper stopping, and proper accent. You force letters and words at the right time and place with the Right pronunciation.

Manners of recitation:

There are several sets of beliefs that every reciter should have before reciting the Holy Quran.

The Quranic words came from Allah; No man is the creator of those beliefs. The other thoughts of the student should be clear before started reciting the Quran.

The humble attitude of the student is necessary before reciting the Holy Quranic words. The student should have a sense of engagement while reciting the Holy Quran.

Externals Tajweed Manners:

It includes manners like purifying clothes, body and places for the recitation of the Quran. Your face should be towards Qiblah while reciting Quran in proper manner.

The proper pause after reciting every verse is necessary. Proper breathing while reciting Quran is essential. It means speak reading or rough reading is discouraging.

Thick and Thin pitch of words:

Some reciters read the Quran without concern about the right pitch of their voice. The best way is to practice the rules of Afkhim and Tarqeeq.

It makes you able to recognize the words according to their voice pitches. It allows the reciter to go for thick heavy voice and Thin voice.

Emission point of letters:

Like other languages, Arabic letters have specific emission points. It is associated with various places of your mouth. You learn about the movement of your throat with your lips. The term also refers to Makharij-ul-Huroof.

Manner of Characteristics of words:

The Arabic language has various attributes remembered through letters. These characteristics allow the correct identification of each letter. Your attribution becomes relevant while reciting the Quran. The term also refers to Sifaat-ul-Huruf.

Laam rule:

The pronunciation of the Quran has several usages of the letters Alif and Laam. Qamariyya and Shamsiyya are rules to pronounce the Laam according to the ‘al’. It depends on the letter shape.

How to Learn Tajweed Quran:

There are several ways to learn Quran With Tajweed these days. It can be physical or Online classes. We observe that the online Tajweed Quran has far better than Physical classes. You get the higher Quality expert tutors online with less price than physical Quran Academy.

Quran Master provide the best Tajweed Quran Course for all ages Muslims.

Structural Tajweed Quran study:

The Tajweed Quran require a proper structure for every student. The Structure gives enough practice with consistent revision of previous verses. You lose your lessons and mix them up without proper structure.

It saves your time and money. It gives you consistent access to your progress tracking.

Go for the best Tajweed Tutors:

The best Quran academy always hires Quality tutors for their courses. The experts graduate from reliable Islamic universities. They have Ijazahs. It’s a legal permission document that allows the expert to teach Quran.

They know the deep wisdom behind the recitation of every surah. It means they inspire the students with reciting purposes.

These teachers have fluency in the English language. They speak well with their students and understand students’ issues.

Modern teaching methods:

The best online academy develops slides and infographics about it. They provide short notes to improve the understanding of their students. The modern ways enhance the speed of learning the Tajweed process.

Value Quran listening:

The listing Quran with Tajweed is the best start to learning the tajweed Quran. Consistent listening develops your desire and willingness to go for it. Tajweed Quran is a hard start for those who lack practice. Your consistent practice makes things easy for you.

Indeed, you do not understand every word of the Quran while listening to it. The hearing ends the pronunciation blocks of the recitation Quran.

Go for practical and Theoretical Tajweed:

The best Quran academy prefers practical with the theoretical knowledge of Tajweed.

Tajweed is not about the right accent of the Quranic words. It explains the other properties associated with Quran.

That includes syllables, words clarity and individual words roles.

The Theoretical Tajweed includes the text of Tajweed rules with no implementation or practical application. It’s best for the person looking for the reasoning of Quran Tajweed.

Practical Tajweed Quran includes the practice of Tajweed rule with proper exercises and correct manners. It’s best for the reciters of beginner or advanced level.

Value Meaning of Quranic verse:

Understanding Quranic words assists you to learn their pronunciation well. You understand the reasoning behind the Quranic words and their repetition.

Your reception becomes deeper and meaningful their understanding the meanings of the words.

The best Quran academy values its students about the Quranic verse meaning.

Go for a single rule at one time:

Never rush to remind everything at once. Your tutor Identify your understanding level soon. Never ignore the advice of your tutor. Practice and master a single rule at a time. Over learning makes you confused about the lessons. In the end, you waste your time and learn not too much.

Never fear about your mistakes:

We all have a lot of mistakes as we start something initially. Several people develop the wrong belief about the wrong Quranic recitation. They believe that reciting Quran is haram without proper way.

Trying is essential to become the master of the Quranic rules. Never be scared about reciting Quran even you’re not good at it. As long as you are trying, the chances of your success exist.

Separate classes for Kids and Adults:

Tajweed rules learning has separated Classes for adults and kids.

The best online Tajweed classes allow your kids to learn Quran online without going outside the home. It’s our responsibility to teach our kids the basics of Islam and the value of reciting the Holy Quran. Quran Master provides the Online Tajweed course for kids.

It’s always never too late to learn the Tajweed Quran. You can learn the exact pronunciation of the Quran mistakes free through Quran Master.

The expert teachers engage you with the right way of the Pronunciation class.